Published On: Sat, Mar 19th, 2016

DC and office bearers of Mahalakshmi Devasthan Samiti should eat food prepared by prisoners : HVP

Mumbai : Dr. Amit Saini, District Collector and President of Paschim Maharashtra Devasthan Vyavasthapan Samiti (PMDS) and office bearers should try to eat food prepared by prisoners for a month was the appeal made by Hindu Vidhidnya Parishad (HVP) in a press release. District Collector Dr. Amit Saini has taken a decision to get ‘prasad’ made from women-prisoners for 3 months on experimental basis. No notice has been taken of representation given by pro-Hindu organizations regarding getting ‘prasad/ laddoos’ made from women- prisoners; nor has any advice been taken from religious leaders like Dharmacharya, Shankaracharya, Saints etc. in this regard and Dr. Saini has taken this decision only out of his own whim and fancy; therefore, the above appeal is being made. Advocate Sanjeev Punalekar, Secretary, HVP has mentioned in the press release that

1. The atmosphere of a prison is not good from health point of view and is Raja Tama’ pre-dominant. It is necessary to follow rules of sanctity and purity while preparing any ‘prasad’ as per Dharma-shastra. Who is going to take responsibility and check that women-prisoners would follow all rules ?

2. Instead of getting ‘prasad’ made from women-prisoners, women social groups can be given this task was the suggestion made by pro-Hindu organizations; but why it was not considered ?

3. The original ‘prasad’ which was used to be offered to Shri Mahalakshmi devi was lump-sugar and gram; then why is there so much insistence to make ‘laddoos’ as ‘prasad’ ? Is it possible that there is some mystery or vested interest behind such decision ?

Source: DC and office bearers of Mahalakshmi Devasthan Samiti should eat food prepared by prisoners : HVP – Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

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