Published On: Mon, Feb 13th, 2017

Traditional Uses of Honey in Ayurveda

The traditional uses of honey in healthcare stretch back into antiquity. Modern research indicates this substance does possess unique nutritional and medicinal properties.

The sugars in honey are glucose, fructose and sucrose. Glucose is the simplest of the sugars. It occurs in the blood of live animals, in fruit and vegetable juices. It restores the oxygen that is replaced by lactic acid when fatigue sets in.

Fructose, which is also known as levulose or grape sugar, crystallizes more easily than glucose and builds up tissues. Sucrose is a combination of glucose and fructose. Dextrin, which is a gummy substance, is found in small amounts in honey, but it makes honey so digestible.

The latest research indicates that the pollen in honey contains all 22 amino acids, 28 minerals, 11 enzymes, 14 fatty acids and 11 carbohydrates. Unfortunately much of these nutritive qualities are lost by heating the honey for commercial use.

Natural Benefits and Curative Properties

Honey is one of the finest sources of heat and energy. Energy is generated mainly by the carbohydrate foods, and honey is one of the most easily digested forms of carbohydrates. It enters directly into the bloodstream because of its dextrin content, and this provides almost instantaneous energy.

Traditionally, according to the texts of ayurveda, honey is a boon to those with weak digestion. The texts state that all the organs in the body respond favorably when honey is eaten. Honey is considered as an all-purpose medicine for all types of diseases.

A spoon of fresh honey, mixed with the juice of half a lemon in a glass of lukewarm water and taken first thing in the morning, is an effective remedy for constipation and hyperacidity. Fasting on this honey-lemon juice water is highly beneficial in the treatment of obesity without loss of energy and appetite.

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