‘Swamiji is the most powerful sage in India’ says Meena Das Narayan

Sri Nithyananda Swami giving the first copy of his magazine “Hinduism Now” during Mahashivaratri to Meena Das Narayan.
The more I realise that we need to protect our Gurus, the more adament I become, for it is they who keep Hindu traditions alive and give us new insights into what have seem so complicated to us. We have become the targets of Hinduphobic forces, seeking to undermine our tradition. This is the reason why our gurus such as #Nithyananda Swamiji have come under vicious attack. Its the strategy of aggressive persecution of learned Gurus who impart knowledge, peace and power.
Let us Oh friends become knowledge seekers and help make our next few generations intelligent and peace loving.
Meena Das is a journalist by profession, the chief-editor of the gulf connosieur(luxury magazine), film-maker, passionate painter, writer, poet, artist & ideolougue of hindu causes.
Meena Das attended Conquering Time workshop, Mahashivaratri celebrations and took a tour of Bengaluru Adheenam Campus.
This is what she writes after she went back.
[pullquote]He is inculcating the ancient Gurukul system, where children are taught all the sciences in a conducive manner – where there is no competition amongs each other – only love for learning.[/pullquote]
Pls read all my or friends pic.twitter.com/uAKnkIxyBb
— Meena Das Narayan (@MeenaDasNarayan) March 8, 2016
@narendramodi @SriSri @sgurumurthy @swamy39 @RajivMessage @rvaidya2000 @SadhguruJV
I am not one to follow any Guru/Swamiji blindly! I like many others have discovered that this is the Swamiji who is the most powerful sage in India who has embarked on a great voyage to spread the Hindu Dharma to every part of the world.
Vested interests Narendra Modi sir, like in #IshratJahanCase have conspired to arrest his vision by concocting imaginary sexual cases by vicious people as they realize that – cutting him down to size means – cutting down our mission to preserve Hinduism to the world. Many news channels and media have since then apologized to him for the harm caused to him – but the damage was done.
[pullquote]Sri Nithyananda Swami gives me the first copy of their magazine “Hinduism Now” during #Mahashivaratri, feeling blessed![/pullquote]
Now a group of intellectuals like us: doctors, journalists, researchers, professors from all over the world have joined hands to prove how this great, genius of a sage has been smothered by vested forces within India and abroad. There is ample proof as in the case of #asaram and many such sages that these great people are innocent and are doing what we are trying so hard to achieve.
The movement has started and Swamy #Nithyananda in the coming years will be the most revered sage who has spread his immense knowledge to one and all around the world. It is our duty to protect such sages from ones who are trying to eliminate him.
When I tag your names – I request each one of you to help him in this ardous journey to bring India back to age of the great rishis. Do not have selfish intent when you speak or help this great sage. If you cannot help please we beg you do not obstruct his path as it leads to the liberation of Indians from foolish ideologies, backward theories that have been thrust upon us Indians who were once pioneers in every field!
What the western world is shouting their lungs out – has been tried and tested out by our rishis – if only Indians had faith in their own system and had proclaimed it before – we would never have discarded our identity for ones that have been foisted on us – at schools, colleges and institutes. It is time to unlearn every thing that we have been taught and start learning what our great rishis and modern ones like #Nithyananda Swamiji are teaching. He is the most modern professor under whom any science becomes as easy as ABC. He is an artist, a sculptor, an architect, a healer and the most wonderful human being who will help us our Hindu DHarma faster, let us support the swamiji who is like what #ChadraguptaMaurya did change India completely. He is building universities that teach every aspect of Hinduism without dilution from the source, Oh great Hindus do not allow the foreign forces to attack such great swamijis and snatch away out only hope to make India strong!
[pullquote]He is the most modern professor under whom any science becomes as easy as ABC[/pullquote]
He will change our children to brilliant generation, our schools our universities need his guidance, his knowledge and his energy. @smritiirani hope you will listen to my voice and help Indians make India BRILLIANT.
And #Srisri I hope you who will have the #WorldCulturalFestival for Peace happening in Delhi…you invited scholars from abroad who are irrelevant to us, our sages are more important. I hope you will walk the talk and include this great swamiji #Nithyananda in your list of invites to GREAT SAGES – I realize you have not, I have checked – I request you to please do this and have all the sages becoming ONE VOICE. And I hope you and great sages like Sadhguru will unite and not criticise such a great voice. Indians are intelligent and can see when unity does not happen.Our mission is spread Hindu Dharma fast and this can happen only when you unite and speak loudly of this UNITY.
[pullquote]He will change our children to brilliant generation, our schools our universities need his guidance, his knowledge and his energy[/pullquote]
He is inculcating the ancient Gurukul system, where children are taught all the sciences in a conducive manner – where there is no competition amongs each other – only love for learning.
1. In his Gurukul he will make children get PhDs by the age of 16
2. The children in the Gurukul have already shown how kindness and daily conversation with roses can make them discard their thorns to give a new generation of thornless roses – as they have stopped fearing mankind in the Ashram.
3. In his gurukul children do not consume processed food – sugar is poison to the system and can be substituted by natural sweetners like honey, jaggery
4. His children have been taught to open their third eye and their memory has become sharper, they can read blindfolded what is written with ease.