Are Phobias, result of some evil happening in the past life?
In our series “Q & A with Masters”, we are bringing one another important question that a spiritual person and a business man at same time may face this situation in his life. Paramhamsa Nithyananda, an enlighten master from India answers this question.
Question from a Devotee:
Irfan: Are Phobias, result of some evil happening in the past life, since they have no basis in the current experience, how can we get over them?
Swamiji: Irfan, two- three things you need to understand,
First thing, there are some phobias, result of some evil happening in the past life, not all phobias.
Second, anything happened in the past life if it affects your present or future, it is evil happening. But, anything does not affect your present and future, it is not evil happening.
Third, you are saying since they have no basis in current experience, how can we get over it? Irfan, the only way to get over the phobias is, untiringly reminding them that they have no basis in your current experience. See it is like , phobias are like mood swings, when somebody comes to me with mood swings, I don’t keep quite, I remind, remind, remind, remind.
Sometimes people around me ask me, Swamiji, what is there to advise them all the words they already know. I tell them, “ No, now they don’t know. Remind. Now they don’t know. Remind.” Even the basic truths, in guru disciple relationship, he boils you, like a potato, potato tries to jump out of the pot, please don’t do it. Wait, your mind will say, “Oh, then can I just suppress, suppress, suppress and kill this, how can I kill this suffocation?” Only by suppressing, it dies, never by making decision along with the mood swing. Basic truths, like a for apple, b for brinjal, c for cat, again and again and again reminding.
Irfan, all phobias are nothing but mood swings. When mood swings are strengthened it is called phobias, when phobias are in the initial level, it is called mood swings. If you are strengthening your mood swings, by taking actions along with mood swings, you are entering into a strong phobia. You are creating a strong phobia. You see, phobia or mood swing, only one thing, whether they are able to repeat in more no of frequency, or you are able to repeat with more number of frequency.
They say, life is bad, life is bad, life is bad, you say life is good, life is good, life is good. Whether they are able to repeat 100 times per minute, or you are able to repeat hundred twenty times per minute. That’s all. So, powerful antidote for phobias is ajapa japa. The more no of times, the phobia repeats itself, you repeat the mantra, that’s all.
What is phobia, it is telling you constantly, “Oh, I have this fear this fear, this fear, this problem, this problem, if it is same thing allowed, I will have nervous breakdown, I may suffer, I may suffocate, I may sacrifice my life. I will die, no I cannot tolerate this I cannot tolerate this, it is too much, this… this..” it goes on.. Then you say, “Om hreem nithyananday namah, Namah Shivay, Namah shivay, Namah shivay, Namah Shivay, that’s all.
Whether you are going to repeat more number of times, or the phobia is going to repeat more number of times, is the game. If your Phobia says, “I am afraid, I am afraid, I am afraid” , you say, “I am not afraid, I am not afraid,” or you say that. “I am beyond everything, I am beyond everything, I am beyond everything,” that’s all. Don’t say, “I am not afraid” as that fear engram, that word gets engraved deeper, just say, “I am beyond everything, I am beyond everything, I wont listen to you, I wont listen to you”, that’s all or just the mantra, that’s it.
For all phobias and mood swings, one and only solution is ajapa japa. Do not decide along with phobia. Do not decide along with mood swing. But stand with ajapa japa. Sometimes people ask, “ if we have surrendered completely to existence, how can we make decisions, how can we make, what should we do? He comes and gives suggestions, always suggestions should be heard, suggestions will be put in your ears, it will be put in your ears, after that he gives you the freedom.
Understand, all phobias are frozen mood swings. The only solution for mood swing or phobias is ajapa japa. Even if you have the phobia of flight, closed space, when you are having that phobia attack, do ajapa japa, you will see the phobia just settles and dies.