Published On: Sat, Sep 3rd, 2016

ISKCON Hindu temple attacked by Islamic group today! Shocking VIDEO!

2nd September, 2016/ Sylhet: Sylhet’s local Harekrishna ISKCON temple today witnessed an obnoxious attack from local Islamists who attacked the temple by pelting broken bricks stones and certain other objectionable items today during the afternoon prayers. The attackers, who launched the assault on the excuse that the local rituals were causing disturbance to their peaceful Friday Jumma prayers were in mood of a much bigger devastation, which however got nullified due to an early intervention by the police this time. The main gate, which was closed- also became a crucial reason in avoiding the same. The incident took place at Kajal Shah area of the city.

As per a statement from police – the initial call to create this nuisance was first made by the local Imam of the Mussalis through an addressal using the mike of the mosque, where, the muslims were asked to assemble and march towards the temple for it was creating a hindrance in their path of “getting blessings from Almighty.” Around 15 people have been arrested in connection with the same.

Temple’s youth coordinator Devarshi Srivas narrated that today a sit and draw competition for the children was organized which was accompanied by the customary Hare Krishna mantra chanting. The electronic mikes were not in use which kept the sound quite mild and confined within the temple premises. However at the mosque the Azaan and the Imam’s clarion were made using electronic microphone that makes the thing transparent enough that the mantra chanting was just an excuse used by the Islamists to exercise the nefarious intention of attacking the temple, which the miscreants wanted to project in a different way as to garner the sympathy of the local muslims triggering their religious sentiments.

Local witnesses revealed that a group of over enthusiastic mussalis started pelting bricks and stones at the temple all of a sudden which made them sense some trouble to be going on over here. They came out only to find that an unruly mob, by that time already had injured certain worshippers including former lady councillor. Among those injured are Fmr Councillor Mrs. Jebunahar Shireen(58), locals namely Saju Akhtar, Babul Ahmed, Sayyid, Arif, Suman and devotee Rajendra Das.


Sylhet Metropolitan Police’s Deputy Commissioner Faisal Mahmud, in a statement said, that, before the attack could take a greater form- an early arrival and intervention by the Police disarmed the attacking Mussalis and brought the situation under control. The fortunate thing was that the temple gates were closed, that arrested the miscreant’s trespassing to a good extent and evade a bigger assault thereby. Situation is currently under control. Police used rubber bullets to drive away the goons.




A video of the situation caught via CCTV camera is attached below showing the attackers hurling stones and running away in fear seeing the police

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