San Francisco’s Hindu chariot procession enters 51st year | World Hindu News

The “Festival of the Chariots” (Rathayatra Festival) involves a parade with people pulling three chariots by ropes throughout Golden Gate Park. It also includes free vegetarian feast, live music, ancient Indian dances, etc. Thousands of people have reportedly been attending these free festivities in the past. This parade is organized by International More...

by Editor | Published 7 years ago
By Editor On Saturday, July 29th, 2017

Auditorium on temple premises to be opened for public events | The Hindu

Days after being handed over to the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (HR&CE) Department, the new auditorium constructed on the premises of the Sri Kattazhagiya Singar Temple at Srirangam is all set More...

By hinduismnow On Saturday, February 18th, 2017

Brush away your teeth to Enlightenment

Sadashiva reveals different day to day activity to be performed which can lead one to enlightenment. Mahadeva reveals how one shoul brush his teeth, what should be used to brush teeth by a mumukshu, by a grhstha More...

By hinduismnow On Thursday, February 16th, 2017

Hindu Sanskaras – Outing, Feeding, Ear Piercing & Tonsuring

Sanskara refers to the diverse rites of passage in Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism. In Hinduism, the sanskaras vary in number and details according to regional traditions. The Gautama Dharmaśāstras details More...

By hinduismnow On Wednesday, February 15th, 2017

Kunti and Gandhari: Feminism and the two Matriarchs of the Mahabharata

By – Ma Nithya Swaroopapriyananda Modern Women Fight for Rights! Modern society likes to fancy itself as feminist, giving equal opportunity to women by dissolving the social and economic barriers that have More...

By hinduismnow On Wednesday, February 15th, 2017

Rudra Homam – karmic cleansing and rejuvenation

What is Homa? Homa, also known as Havan, is a Sanskrit word referring to sacred fire ritual in ancient Vedic tradition. The science of Homa is a Vedic ritual that invokes fire, one of the five sacred elements of More...

By hinduismnow On Sunday, February 12th, 2017

The Saga of the Naked Monks

By – Ma Nithya Swaroopapriyananda In English, there’s an old cliché often quoted in times of war and violence used to cool hot tempers and prevent a physical fight: “The pen is mightier than the sword.” More...

By hinduismnow On Saturday, February 11th, 2017

Mahadeva’s Kitchen – The Hindu Bhaga Shastra

About early 2015, the Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam Adheenam in Bengaluru, South India, made a surprising discovery – the existence of a Vedic age cookbook, revealed by Mahadeva himself – the Bhaga Shastra, or textbook More...