Tag archive for ‘Science’
By Editor On Saturday, July 29th, 2017

Tirupati boy launches Kalam satellite | The Hindu

K. Yagna Sai’s childhood ambition was to become a pilot, but his determination helped him in designing a satellite and sending it to the outer space. A native of Tirupati, Sai was part of the six-member team More...

By Editor On Tuesday, July 12th, 2016

How Yoga Changes the Brain – Scientific American

Yoga seems to bestow mental benefits, such as a calmer, more relaxed mind. Now research by Chantal Villemure and Catherine Bushnell of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Bethesda, More...

By Editor On Tuesday, June 28th, 2016

The Science Is In, And Meditation May Be The Next Big Business Opportunity – Forbes

Gary Vaynerchuk, the vocal social media entrepreneur, says meditation is going to be the “next big business wave.” And why shouldn’t it be? Increased creativity, improved focus, reduced stress and anxiety More...

By Editor On Friday, February 26th, 2016

More Realistic Meat Substitute Made From Soy Raised In Brutally Cruel Conditions

ROCHESTER, MN—Hailing it as the best-tasting and most satisfying such product on the market, vegetarian food manufacturer Greenwood Farms unveiled a more realistic meat substitute Friday made from soy raised More...