NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Modi’s efforts to popularise healthy living with Yoga is bearing fruit. Hong Kong-based Cathay Pacific will now offer Yoga-based inflight video capsules that can be practised by flyers.
“Cathay Pacific has partnered with Pure Yoga to launch a new inflight well-being programme, ‘Travel Well with Yoga’, this month. In harmony with the airline’s ‘Life Well Travelled’ campaign, the series of videos have been developed by esteemed Pure Yoga instructors to help passengers ease into their journeys with yoga and meditation exercises and tips,” the airline said.
“Passengers can now view ‘Travel Well with Yoga’ in English, Cantonese, Mandarin and Japanese across all Cathay Pacific and Cathay Dragon routes by accessing the Lifestyle section on their inflight entertainment screens,” it added.
Split into six easy-to-follow videos featuring founding teacher Patrick Creelman and senior instructor & co-founder Almen Wong, the series demonstrates yoga and meditation routines that can be done before, during or after a flight. Exercises are designed to improve circulation, enhance joint mobility and relax the mind for a comfortable and restful journey.