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Guaranteed Solution: Break Through Your Stress with Kriyas

Kriya is a Sanskrit word that means “yogic process”. The process referred to is an alchemical transformation of mind-body-spirit, through a specific set movements, postures and breathing, and other techniques which are tailored to obtain a particular health benefit.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda, an enlightened master from India, has formulated many sets of these kriyas, which are designed for various illnesses and health conditions. The techniques used in these kriyas have been taken from ancient texts on yoga, which clearly outline the details and benefit of every step in the kriya.

Kriyas heal the body by altering the flow of prana (Life force) in the nadis (energy circuits) in the body. Imagine plumbing pipes running through the body carrying blood, life force, and electrical energy. When these pipes get bent or damaged, parts of the body stop being provided for and nurtured. The riyas are designed to smooth out the kinks and blockages, allowing the flow of energy to revitalize every cell of your being. By placing the body in certain positions, and adding in various types of breathing and other techniques, the energy flow in the nadis is restored to balance.

The kriya postures are referred to by their Sanskrit name to preserve the rich heritage of this system of healing. The Sanskrit words, when spoken, contain a vibratory resonance that aids in the healing process. Kriyas can be practiced alone or in a group. For any kriya to have effect, it needs to be practiced every day for atleast 21 days in succession.

Here is a kriya specifically designed to clear blockages due to stress:


Steps to be followed:


In Vajra Asana, next:

  1. Vajra Asana

Source: Gheranda Samhita, Upadesha 2, Verse 12


  1. With knees, ankles and big toes touching the ground, stand in a kneeling position.
  2. Sit erect with the heels under your buttocks.
  3. Remain erect in this asana for 30 seconds.

In Vajra Asana, next:

  1. Naadee Shodhanaa

Source: Hatha Pradeepikaa, Upadesha, 4, Verses 11 & 13


  1. Sit in the same posture
  2. Inhale slowly through the left nostril
  3. Retain the breath inside as long as you can and exhale through the right nostril.
  4. Inhale slowly through the right nostril
  5. Retain the breath inside as long as you can and exhale through the left nostril
  6. Do this for 3 minutes

In Vajra Asana, Next:

  1. Trishoola Kumbhaka

Source: Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 193


  1. Inhale through both nostrils and the mouth simultaneously
  2. Hold as long as you can
  3. When you cannot hold anymore, exhale as slowly as you can
  4. Continue this for 7 minutes


In Vajra Asana, next:

  1. Trinetra kumbhaka

Source: Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Verse 192


  1. Inhale through the left nostril
  2. Hold the breath as long as you can judiciously
  3. Without exhalation, inhale through the right nostril
  4. Hold the breath as long as you can judiciously
  5. Again without exhaling, inhale through both the nostrils
  6. Hold the breath as long as you can judiciously
  7. Now exhale through both the nostrils slowly
  8. Do this for 7 minutes continuously
  9. Once 7 minutes are over, relax and just sit for a few minutes
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