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Doing yoga can alter the function of DNA

Yogis everywhere will tell you about the benefits of yoga on the mind, body and spirit, but now there’s scientific evidence to show how much it can help.

Researchers have found that yoga has such an impact it can even alter the function of DNA of women who are ‘chronically stressed’.

The findings, from a study conducted by experts at the University of Adelaide and Flinders University, found that regular yoga not only led to psychological, but also biological changes.

A study from Australian universities has found that yoga can alter the way your DNA functions (stock image)

The researchers divided a group of 28 chronically stressed women into two, with one group doing two yoga classes a week, and the other continuing with their daily routine.

The women were aged between 35 and 65, were experiencing anxiety and/or depression, and had never done yoga before the clinical study.

The research, published in Cogent Psychology journal last year, found that the women who did yoga were less stressed, which was evident both in their own reports and their DNA.

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