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Ayurveda vocology behind Guinness bids – The Hindu

A lesser known branch of India’s traditional medicine, Ayurveda vocology is gaining acceptance among people who experiment with sound and endurance.

Muralinarayanan and Francis Joseph have taken a shot at entering the Guinness World Records. Flautist Muralinarayanan of Thalikulam successfully presented a marathon recital to set the record. Francis of Mala pulled off a 149-hour lecture series. The common thread in their feat was Ayurveda vocology.

Ayurveda vocology is the science and practice of vocal habilitation using Ayurveda treatment methods. It includes evaluation, ‘dialognosis’ and intervention It deals with nature of speech, defects of vocal tract, vocal training for actors, singers and public speakers. The Ayurveda vocology treatment protocol includes massage, treatment, exercise and special food.

“Protecting the vocal system for a long performance and maintaining energy level are the main challenges. The usual medicines for clearing the throat would lead to loss of energy and sedation. But Ayurveda treatment methods help maintainenergy and freshness,” said C.A. Bimal, senior sports medicine specialist at the District Ayurveda Hospital, an expert in Ayurveda vocology.

The treatment includes Ayurveda medicines, neck massage, vocal training, exercise and special food, said Dr. Bimal.

After the vocology treatment provided for Muraleenarayanan’s 28-hour-long flute recital was successful, Francis also tried out the same method.

The treatment was given in the 40-minute break after eight hours of the marathonlecture, Dr. Bimal said. “Instead of taking the five-minute interval after every hour, we advised the contestant to take 40-minute breaks after every eight hours of lecture.”

Food, massage and the rest were also squeezed into this 40-minute break. ‘Vayambu,’ an Ayurveda herb that activates vocal cords, honey that soothes thethroat and special massage for providing energy were given to Francis.

The special food included Njavara rice, badam, ghee and green tea.

A team consisting of Dhanyasree Bimal, masseurs Sreekumar and Ranjith assisted Dr. Bimal.

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