To protest against China’s alleged support to Pakistan, the Viswa Hindu Parishad (VHP) Bengal unit has initiated a campaign against the use of Chinese products in the upcoming Diwali festival. The VHP is using social media forums, like Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp, and by word of mouth to “spread the message of boycotting Chinese goods”.
The message reads “Nation First- Boycott goods by China as it is supporting Pakistan.”
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“Pakistan is a terror state and China has stood in its support. China has vetoed the move against Jaish-e-Mohammed chief Masood Azhar at the UN. During this festive season, when Chinese goods are traded in plenty, we are calling everyone to boycott these goods. China will survive on our economy by selling their below standard products and will conspire against India. This duplicity must end,” VHP state president Sachindranath Singha told PTI.
Apart from VHP cadre in Bengal, members of other right-wing organisations, like Bajrang Dal, Dharma Jagran Manch, Durga Bahini and Go Seva Dal also supported the ban.
“We will try and create awareness that if Indian goods are used regularly, it will in the long run generate employment for Indians and will be good for Indian economy,” Singha said.
The VHP and other right-wing outfits are promoting earthen pots instead of the Chinese products.