The petitioner in the Ayodhya Ram Janm Bhoomi issue and BJP’s Rajya Sabha Member of Parliament Subramanian Swamy took to Twitter to raise his concern on Ram Mandir. Swamy proposed that Muslims accept his proposal to build a mosque across the Sarayu else a law would be enacted to build the temple with the majority the party gets in the Rajya Sabha.
Muslim should accept my proposal for a masjid across Saryu. Or else in 2018 on getting the RS majority we will enact a law to build temple
— Subramanian Swamy (@Swamy39) March 21, 2017
His tweets come a day after the Supreme Court suggested an out of court settlement on the Ram Janm Bhoomi issue. Swamy dared anyone to demolish the temple of Ramlala that was set up after the Supreme Court’s sanction in 1994.
There is already a temporary Ramlala temple in Ramjanmabhoomi sanctioned by Supreme Court in 1994. Puja on. Can anyone dare to demolish it?
— Subramanian Swamy (@Swamy39) March 21, 2017
His tweets come in the background of Babri Masjid Action Committee members refusing to accept any claims about Ram Janm Bhoomi without evidence. They have also suggested that negotiations can not involve asking them to leave the place and surrender.