When you travel to Madurai next time, there will be no need to research through online and offline material to know about the world famous Meenakshi Sundareswarar Temple. Your mobile phone will be a virtual guide to take you on a tour of the temple, besides providing a peek into the ancient city’s history.
A free-to-download app developed by Chennai-based Aseuro Technologies provides information on the background of the temple, stories and miracles associated with it, its architectural marvels, history of Madurai, hours of worship, dos and don’ts, parking lot and toilets and where can you eat. In 23 audio sections, it describes the important places in the temple in Tamil, English and Hindi.
Karumuttu T. Kannan, Fit Person of the temple, who officially launched the app on Monday, said it was the first of its kind for a temple in the country and very user-friendly. Srikanth Iyer of Aseuro Technologies said it took 18 months for them to develop the app after intensive research and review by temple authorities.
It had become necessary as authentic information was not available for visitors to many places of tourist importance. “We have made a beginning with the Madurai temple and will soon come out with apps for Belur temple and Mahabalipuram,” he said.
The app does not follow a rigid order. The visitor can enter the temple through any of the entrances and tap the relevant number or name to know about his location. Display boards have been put up in the temple with names of each section and information on downloading the app is provided for visitors around the temple.
First-timers can listen to the introduction before entering the temple to make their visit enjoyable.
For downloading the app, one has to log intowww.pinakinapp.comto register the mobile phone.