Lucknow: Congress party Chief Ministerial candidate for 2017 Uttar Pradesh assembly polls and former Delhi chief minister Sheila Dikshit while asserting her concerns on Gau Raksha said, ‘Gau Raksha’ is one of our prime responsibilities. Cow-sheds should be put in place where cows can be kept safe.”
The former chief minister while addressing media in Lucknow also said, “Pooja to BJP wale karte hain ‘Gau’ ki lekin uski raksha nhi karte.”
A couple of days ago, Congress President Sonia Gandhi said that Uttar Pradesh, facing years of exploitation, needs experienced leadership to improve the condition of people which can only be provided by her party’s chief ministerial candidate Sheila Dikshit.
Former Delhi chief minister Sheila Dikshit on July 14 was announced as the Congress’ chief ministerial candidate for the 2017 Uttar Pradesh Assembly polls.
78-year-old Dikshit’s choice for the top post had come amid speculations that Prashant Kishore, who was also been roped in as the party’s poll strategist for Uttar Pradesh, is of the view that a Brahmin face represents the Congress in the politically crucial state.