PATNA: The BJP on Thursday challenged the Bihar government to ban ongoing meeting of the VHP here.The Bharatiya Janata Party made its dare after a few ministers including Deputy Chief Minister Tejaswi Yadav threatened to take action against VHP leader Pravin Togadia if he deliver a communal or ‘hate’ speech during ongoing meeting of the VHP here.
“BJP challenges the state government to ban the VHP meeting,” senior BJP leader and former Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi told media here, claiming the ministers have been attacking the VHP and Togadia for self-publicity.
Earlier state Minorities Welfare Minister Abdul Ghafoor, of the Rashtriya Janata Dal, said that the VHP and Togadia have a single point agenda of creating social division and hatred.
“The VHP is closely associated with the Bharatiya Janata Party and Prime Minister Narendra Modi too is a product of the VHP,” he claimed.
In the early 2000s, when Lalu Prasad’s RJD was in power in Bihar, he did not allow Togadia to enter the state.
Source: BJP challenges Bihar to ban VHP meet in Patna – The Economic Times