A staggering Rs 65 lakh has already been spent on a hawan for infusing patriotism among people and now the man behind this mission Acharya Swami Dineshanandji has taken a bank loan of Rs 8 lakh to complete the process. The yajna, which was initially planned for 10 days, is being held at the biggest ‘hawan kund’ (fire altar)— measuring 27X27 feet — at the camp of Vishwa Hindu Parishad in Magh Mela. The hawan began at January 18 and would conclude on February 7.
Elaborating about the reason for taking a loan, Swami Dineshanandji told Hindustan Times, “Post demonetisation many of my disciples, who had earlier pledged to donate money for organising the hawan in this huge hawan kund, backed out due to which we faced shortage of fund. Left with no choice I decided to take loan from Allahabad Bank in Lucknow. I also exhausted all my savings to perform this yajna.”
According to him over 20 lakh ahutis (offerings) have already been made in the hawan kund by hundreds of people. “My only objective is to prove the scientific basis of Vedas through its practical application. And I don’t regret that I had to take a loan to perform this hawan,” said Swami Dineshanandji, who also cleared CPMT exam, but opted to become a saint to spread the knowledge of Vedas in the world. Incidentally, Dineshanandji is also the founder of Vedic Prayog Praman Vyas and an expert in Vedic maths.Speaking about the reason behind holding such a big hawan, he said the purpose of constructing a hawan kund with 27 metre depth was that temperature rapidly rose from 1300 degree Celsius to 1800 degree Celsius in the deep base and when herbs were put in the hawan’s fire, it rapidly changes into gas which cleanses the environment. “My next target is to construct a hawan kund measuring 54X54 feet for performing a yajna in Magh Mela. This will be the world’s largest hawan kund. Around Rs 2.5 crores would be spent on it due to which the target for constructing the hawan kund has been kept for 2021,” he explained.