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Bloodless Bakri Eid ! Blow the Religious Myth, Save Animals and Save Water!

With every animal killed, it’s humanity that dies! The FB cover page of PFA (People For Animals) with this wonderful message hits home like never before! Especially on the eve of Bakri Eid! One more FB page called ‘Green Humor’ also deals with wildlife environment and nature conservation. But when I found no posts there related to the protest against the mass killing of animals in the name of Sacrifice, I was disappointed! I guess the goats,sheep, cows, buffaloes ,camels etc cease to be ANIMALS on this pious day of Supreme Sacrifice!

(Paid) Media is always a saviour! Remember their outrage at every custom or festival that allegedly harms our Eco-system ? Recall their remonstration for Cracker-less Diwali, Waterless Holi, Height reduction for Dahi-handi human pyramid and so on! Many politicians and celebrities join in this noble cause too. Should I hope my concern for these millions of innocent animals destined to be butchered ,would be voiced by any of them?

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Okay, let’s leave aside Animal rights! Bakri Eid ,being a Religious Slaughter festival, let’s look into the religious aspects of the same.As per Muslim Cleric Qalam Raza Nuri, Qurbani i.e. Sacrifice brings forth the passion to fight the evil from the society. I would like to ask him the meaning of  Qurbani/ Sacrifice. May be I’m dumb, but I’m missing the point here. The meaning of Qurbani is to sacrifice something dear to one’s heart.  Does it hold any significance in today’s times? From the days where Ibrahim was ready to sacrifice his son to God, to the present circumstances of buying an animal for sacrifice, hasn’t time deteriorated the purpose of Qurbani?  What bondage does one have with the goat bought for the ritual of Qurbani ? Hasn’t Bakri Eid been reduced to the celebration of  the festival with the non vegetarian menu? Why doesn’t this query rise in the intellectual heads of our Pseudo-Seculars who find endless faults with all Hindu traditions ?

Considering the huge requirement of water for Bakri Eid, my question to  an extremely Eco-Conscious actress out of Limelight, Dia Mirza ,” Your protest for waterless Holi was inspiring! Are you planning any protest on Bakri Eid too ? Considering gallons and gallons of water needed to wash away the blood of slaughtered animals, Bakri Eid is going to consume more water than we can afford in one day!And yes, Felt good to see you sharing the link of Wildlife Trust India on Twitter . Any plans to tweet on Bloodless Bakri Eid , considering your love for animals ? Now, don’t say, you believe in this outdated ritual of slaughtering an animal in the name of sacrifice! How can the spine-chilling hoarse cries from dying animals and their widespread bloodshed help fight the evils?

In ancient times, even Hindus performed the rituals of sacrificing animals in the ‘Yajna’. Just imagine the uproar by media and so called liberals if hindus revived this extinct tradition. All hell will break loose. Hindus will be labelled as Saffron Terrorists . Right from Congis, Commies to even Obama, all will come with free advice! But when its an Islamist Issue, heavenly broad-mindedness outpours from all hearts.

All said and done, Bloodless Bakri Eid Mubarak to all Indians !

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