Devotees in large number thronged Krishnagiri district in Tamil Nadu to take part in Perumal Swamy Temple festival on Tuesday. The festival, which is organised once in five years, is celebrated in a temple situated 2,000 feet on a hill in a forest. The priests performed special pooja atop the mount. The temple’s Perumal statue was decorated and rounds were taken with the god’s statue on shoulders on the hill. Dance and music were performed to entertain the public.
Devotees in large number thronged Krishnagiri district in Tamil Nadu to take part in Perumal Swamy Temple festival on Tuesday. The festival, which is organised once in five years, is celebrated in a temple situated 2,000 feet on a hill in a forest. The priests performed special pooja atop the mount. The temple’s Perumal statue was decorated and rounds were taken with the god’s statue on shoulders on the hill. Dance and music were performed to entertain the public.
Source: VIDEOS: Devotees gather to celebrate Perumal Swamy Temple festival | The Indian Express