BHOPAL: Devotees coming to the Simhastha (Kumbh) Mela beginning April 22 in Ujjain, will be able to avail with banking facilities such as mobile ATMs, coin dispenser and foreign exchange.”Banking services will be provided to devotees by 20 banks in the Mela area, which also has 12 mobile ATMs. In the entire Mela area, 35 ATMs will be set up,” a Mela official said on Wednesday.
ATMs will also be set up in adjoining areas like Mahakal, Harsiddhi, Kal Bhairav, Bhairavgarh and Ramghat.
Other facilities being offered are debit cards, point of sale machines, coin dispenser machines and foreign exchange, the officer said.
Besides, the banks are also constructing ‘e-galleries’ on the plots allotted to them, where the banking facilities will be avaible.
Bank of India has started construction of its e-gallery at Khak Chowk in Mangalnath zone.
Simhastha (Kumbh) Mela is to be held from April 22 to May 21 in the holy city of Ujjain.
Source: Banking facilities for Kumbh devotees in Ujjain – Times of India