UJJAIN (MP): Around 5.5 crore devotees have so far taken a holy dip in the Kshipra river, where Simhastha Kumbh mela started late last month, a Madhya Pradesh Minister said on Sunday.”According to our estimate, around 5.50 crore faithful have taken a holy dip in the Kshipra river so far,” Simhastha-Kumbh Mela In-charge minister Bhupendra Singh told reporters here.
The mega festival, the biggest religious gathering on earth, commenced on April 22 and will go on till May 21.
The response till now has exceeded expectations. The government had estimated that 5 crore people will take part in the month-long mela, said the Transport Minister.
“But our target has been surpassed and going by the influx of devotees, 7 crore people are likely to take a holy dip by May 21,” he added.
The pilgrims were thronging the mela in large numbers despite inclement weather causing disruptions at the site, he said.
Hailstorm, rainfall and squall have twice hit the Kumbh this month, leaving seven dead and more than 40 injured.
The state government has spent more than Rs 3,600 crore on making preparations for the gigantic religious event. A part of this amount came from the Centre, the Minister added.
Source: ‘5.5 crore devotees have taken dip in Simhastha Kumbh mela so far’ – Times of India