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Posters threatening destruction of major temples appear in UP’s Mathura | India Today

Posters proclaiming the imminent demolition of major Indian temples appeared overnight at several places in Mathura in Uttar Pradesh, sparking a wave of panic among locals and prompting quick police action.

These posters – which contained clear threats to blow up all major temples in Mathura, Vrindavan, Varanasi, Gorakhpur, and Ayodhya within 48 hours – were first seen near the Railways School in Mathura.

The police pulled down all such posters in the city, and stepped up vigil at the Mathura and Vrindavan temples.


Uttar Pradesh DGP OP Singh has asked Mathura SSP Prabhakar Chowdhary for a report. Singh has instructed Chowdhary to file a case against unidentified individuals.

He said that peace and harmony in Mathura – as well as in the entire state – would be maintained at all costs, and that the posters’ publishers would be tracked down soon.

A senior police official told India Today that the Krishna Janma Bhoomi and other important places in Mathura and Vrindavan have been placed under 24-hour security surveillance, and that hi-tech drone cameras – operated by specialists – have been deployed in the Janma Bhoomi campus.

The police are recording all activity inside and outside the campus in the Red and Yellow Zones. The drones are already feeding live footage into the surveillance system.


Udaiveer Singh Malik, the Mathura Highway police station in-charge, told India Today that this was most probably a prank played by anti-social elements, but added that the police were still taking it seriously.

Mathura residents have been requested to keep an eye on such elements, and immediately inform the police if any suspicious individuals are seen near temples and other places of public congregation.

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