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Horrific Crime Against Hindu Sannyasis of Paramhamsa Nithyananda in the Holy Land of Tamil Nadu

On the night hours of June 12, 2017 a heinous crime was committed by a group of anti-Hindu elements. In yet another onslaught by select group of anti-Hindus on the Nithyananda Order and its spiritual head Sri Paramahamsa Nithyananda, attempts were made to burn alive 25 sannyasis residing in the premises of the temple owned by the Nithyananda Order.

The incident took place at the Trishulam Adheenam Chennai, belonging to the Nithyananda Peetham which is located on a land donated with utmost gratitude by Mr. Ramanathan, the father of one of the sannyasins of the Nithyananda Sannyas Order.

These sannyasis have come together from all over the world in May 2017, with only one mission – to revive Hinduism in all its authenticity. With this as the mission the sannyasis came together as a community to worship, setting up a temple and to build a hospital for the community’s well-being.

The Aadheenam’s contribution to the community of Trishulam has been at it its peak – with annadaan or free food being offered daily, archanas, pujas and homas happening daily, free medical services and the like.

The land has been illegally occupied by one Krishnan and his family and Indrani and family without any authority of the landowner Mr. Ramanathan and who have refused to vacate the land despite court orders against them. Instead, both these families ganged up with local rowdies and anti-Hindu elements and attacked the Trishulam Adheenam putting at stake the lives of the 25 sannyasis living there. They broke the CCTV cameras and did not even spare the dignity of the female sannyasis who ran for shelter into their rooms. Sacred relics and other belongings of the Adheenam worth lacs of rupees were destroyed in the senseless mayhem.

When they failed to harm these sannyasis, the rowdies jumped onto the roof of their shelter room and attempted to burn the shelter along with the 25 occupants. Further, the male sannyasis were threatened by the wives and daughters of these anti-Hindu elements with false charges of rape and molestation.

Considering the choice they had – being burnt to death inside their shelter and being molested or stoned to death by a bunch of senseless rowdies if they came out of it – the sannyasis stood resolute in the face of death, protecting the Trishulam Aadheenam.

The molestation of the dignity of the women sannyasis is an abominable act, particularly when viewed in the light of a culture where the female form is worshipped as the Mother Goddess. This is the sorry state of women and Hinduism in the state of Tamil Nadu which has always been known for its rich and ancient Hindu heritage – the land of Chidambaram, the gigantic Brihadeesvara temple and the fiery red mountain of Shiva, Thiruvannamalai.

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