Manasi Prasad, a talented young Carnatic vocalist and Dr Yashoda thakore, a renowned exponent of Kuchipudi and Vilasini Natyam have come up with the idea of an exploration of compositions by the Haridasa’s of Karnataka via music and dance. The results of this endeavor were presented to the audience at Saptaparni over the weekend.
The audience was held rapt and spellbound by her. The second half of the program witnessed Yashoda’s consummate skill of interpreting through dance the vocalist’s rendition. The duo matched each other harmoniously.
Nannende Nane by Kanaka Dasa in Vageshvari showing that the ultimate responsibility of protecting the bhakta lies with the Lord, Hyange by Vadiraja in Abheri contrasting the desirability of Vishnu in contrast to his avatar Varaha, Veni begging Madhava’s presence for succor again by Vadiraja in Ahirbhairavi and Jagadodharana in Kapi detailing that the refuge of the world was also Yashoda’s little child by Purandara Dasa and Ikkonodu on the glory of ranga’s holy feet by Sripada Raja in Brindavani.
Exquisite abhinaya, the forte of Yashoda was masterly displayed. Most of the songs were on Lord Krishna. Sindhuja was on the Nattuvangam for the excellent live orchestra. The program was attended by the famous vocalist Vedavati Prabhakar as the chief guest.