The Sammelan, which was held in Uttar Pradesh for the first time, was attended by around 175 young sants from across India except the southern states. The event, being held in Panki area of Kanpur, was inaugurated by Kamal Nayan Das Maharaj of Ayodhya.
Sources said the sants pledged to stop religious conversions, which according to them is happening due to illiteracy, greed, untouchability and fear.
Speaking to The Indian Express, VHP national secretary Ashok Tiwari said that debates and discussions on various aspects of Hinduism, ‘love jihad’, religious conversion, triple talaq, untouchability, freedom for women, skewed caste and sex ratio, national security and terrorism among others, will also be part of the two-day Sammelan.
“On the first day, the delegation of sants discussed ways to stop religious conversions. For this, the young saints will be setting up ashrams near Dalit slums and will make people aware against untouchability. We will also organise community havan and anushthan for Dalits and all those who were converted, to bring them back in their own religion, that is Hinduism,” said Tiwari.
The sants will also open schools offering basic primary education, while the ashrams will provide students with free food. “The sants will give a brief description of their areas and territories tomorrow, after which we will discuss how to proceed with our plans,” Tiwari further said.