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Kashmiri Pandits to Launch Second phase of Public Awareness Campaign for ‘Temple and Shrines Bill’

Kashmiri Pandits. Wikipedia

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  • The organization of Kashmiri Pandits is set to launch the second phase of the campaign on the ‘Temple and Shrines Bill’
  • ‘Prem Nath Bhat Memorial Trust’ targets on fighting and raising public awareness against the misuse of properties and temple lands
  • R L Bhat, a spokesperson of the PNBM Trust made clear statements about the demands of the community and their requirements of the Shrine bill
Kashmiri Pandits

Kashmiri Pandits. Wikipedia

Sept 28, 2016: The organization that represents the Kashmiri Pandits, is all set to launch the second edition of their social awareness campaign to exert on the passage of the ‘Temple and Shrines Bill’, drawn by the state assembly.

The umbrella corporation called ‘Prem Nath Bhat Memorial Trust’ is an organization consisting of multiple Kashmiri pandits’ religious, social and trade corporations. They have been constantly and actively working on the passage of the Temple bill and trying to set up a temple board.

Reportedly the struggle concerning the Temple and Shrine Bill began as the community came to know about the managements and established trusts that were selling off properties and holy land for temples in Kashmir, after the storming assault of the militancy in the 1990s.

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R L Bhat, a spokesperson for the PNBM Trust, stated that the sequence of the public awareness campaign passage of the Temple and Shrine bill will be launched in the legislature of the state. He added further that the campaign aims at banishing the spreading of disinformation regarding the fight for the Shrine Bill. The fight is the struggle against the settled interests that have been misappropriating the holy lands in conspiracy with the land mafias.

Bhat claims that the misuse of the properties and the holy lands is the prime cause for the community not wanting any illegal and unauthorized people to meddle in the name of temples preservation. They want a transparent management and an all-encompassing legislation to bring out the Shrine Bill.

He reports that the properties are getting vandalized multiple temples have disappeared.

– prepared by Antara Kumar of NewsGram. Twitter: @ElaanaC

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